Spectrum IT Insights

Trends, data, and developments in IT and Tech Recruitment 

Through our experience of working with a broad range of clients and candidates across the IT sector, combined with our specialist knowledge of the industry, we review, analyse and anticipate the latest hiring trends to offer you detailed insight and help inform your future hiring needs.

Mid Year Review 2024

As we pass the halfway point of 2024, we’ve taken some time to review and analyse what we have seen in the last six months. We’re always interested in patterns and trends happening in IT recruitment generally, as well as what we’re experiencing here at Spectrum IT. We’ve pulled together these latest insights, collating all our findings, to help both candidates and employers understand the state of the industry, hiring and retention, and how to make the most of the next six months.

2023 Roundup

As we begin the journey into 2024, here at Spectrum IT Recruitment we’ve been reflecting on what 2023 has meant for the IT workforce. Working with a broad range of both candidates and employers across the sector gives us unique insight into the latest hiring trends. We’ve collated our findings into this review of the year, covering both permanent and contract hires.

Looking to Submit a Vacancy?

Have an IT job you'd like to fill? Tell us about your job vacancy or send us a job specification and one of our consultants will be in touch to discuss it further

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