Lots of Socks at Spectrum IT Recruitment
21 Mar, 20193 Minutes
We're supporting Lots of Socks Day.
Did you know that “Lots of Socks” is known around the world as being associated with Down’s syndrome. This is because Down's syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21, and chromosomes look like socks

In support the Down's Syndrome Association, our team have been proudly odd, modelling their best wacky sock collection. Below is a picture from 2018 when we first got involved in Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day. This awareness day happens every year on 21st March and we think it is a great cause to support.
Visit the Down's Syndrome Association website for information about how you can get involved this month. Remember to share your support on social media using their hashtags: #LeaveNoOneBehind #LotsOfSocks #WorldDownSyndromeDay and #WDSD19