PHP South Coast 2016

2 minutes

As a platinum sponsor of the PHP South Coast 2015, Spectrum IT are once again delighted to be sponsoring this key conference with excellent talks from speakers around the world. We were impressed with the process that was involved last year, the publicity around the event is always fantastic and it provided us with great introductions to the many delegates that attended.

As a specialist recruitment agency, not only is this great exposure for our business but it is a great way for us to support the local user group community.

At Spectrum IT, delivering an excellent service for our clients is so important to us, so sponsoring the PHP South Coast Conference was an obvious choice.

PHP South Coast is a PHP community run by the following PHP communities: BrightonHampshireDorsetSouth WestSurrey, and Berkshire.

For more detailed information, please take a look at the PHP South Coast 2016 schedule page.