Exclusive recruitment partners – Why you should consider one
13 Jul, 20218 Minutes
For many Tech businesses hiring is becoming increasingly difficult this year. The market is at its busiest point in years with almost every company looking to hire and lots of them competing for the same talent. It’s a hugely talent poor market and it’s candidate-driven. Hiring the same way we used to just doesn’t work anymore. We need a new plan! Exclusive recruitment, or a long term “talent partner” can be a good solution, here’s why:
As a company who are hiring it’s important to understand an agencies angle on things. “We’re working with 7 other agencies currently” – NO THANKS! I would turn down this job right now, regardless of tech, salary ... There’s hardly any candidates out there and no matter how good our network is we are wasting time competing against multiple agencies in a race for candidates. This doesn’t have value for us.
On the other end of the scale, I work with a client who is exclusive, repeat business. I know what they look for. I understand their tech stack and product, I’ve met them in person and been to their offices. This is a client I will invest my time in! I’ll put in a lot of work to dive deep and find that hidden gem of a candidate that’s perfect for their business, it’s worth my time.
But what’s in it for you?
- Investment: Exclusivity means an agency will invest more time and effort. They will get to know your business, meet you in person. Understand the company rather than just the job spec.
- Responsibility/obligation: By appointing one sole recruitment agency, you are also giving them full responsibility for the success of hiring. They will feel more responsible or obligated to fill it.
- Quality over quantity: There is a shift from the speed of the service to the quality of delivery as they are no longer competing with other suppliers.
- Better quality candidates: More time means we don’t need to rush to screen candidates and fire them across. We can do a deeper search and send you 2 or 3 who are a great fit rather than anyone who might fit.
- Time: No hiring manager wants to be hassled by multiple recruiters for calls, CV feedback, interview times …
- Market feedback: A trusted sole supplier can provide market feedback. Let you know what is and isn’t achievable in the market and work with you to find a solution.
- Confidentiality: We can keep your search confidential, with no other agencies spamming you. When your name is out there you are bound to get hassled by agencies. We can avoid this by keeping company info confidential until the interview stage.
- Candidate experience: Candidates find it refreshing and reassuring to know that you are their exclusive partner. You know the business and the team. This is much nicer than being contacted by 3 agencies about the same job.
- Value: You will get much better value for your money. More investment and time spent with a higher quality of service for the same or often a lower cost. I’d be far more flexible on fees for an exclusive customer who could turn into high-quality repeat business.
It's all about the mutual benefit for both parties. When both sides can see the value in each other and feel valued in return then a tough market becomes a much smaller obstacle.
So, if you are using multiple agencies and getting frustrated with the process or starting a new hiring campaign consider using an exclusive partner. Finding the right one is key, not everyone is a specialist in everything so pick someone who knows the market you are in and build a working relationship.
It’s far more rewarding for both parties.