
Discover how the new PBIR file format is transforming Power BI, enabling deeper data visualization insights, enhanced editing capabilities, and a fresh approach to mapping and presentation.

Guest Speakers

Jacek Nosal

Jacek Nosal

About this event

Since the first publication of the Preview version of the new PBIR file format, we have received a clear direction with a data visualization layer in Power BI and the ability to look into the settings of various elements. Previously, it was possible to disassemble the PBIX file into prime factors, but working with such a version of the definition was a huge challenge.
Now we can learn the structure of the data and test the editing capabilities.

When working with data and delivering it to target recipients, the presentation of it on maps arouses a lot of emotions. However, sometimes I have the impression that part of the environment wants to use maps, but does not understand the principles that can and should be guided by.

There are limits and parameters, the application of which is incomprehensible. And thanks to the new PBIR format, we can rediscover Power BI. Here is a story about the new format and selected possibilities that can be discovered with its help.

About Jacek

Passionate about maps, data and technology with extensive experience in working with BI class systems as well as ERP, BPM and CRM. He started his adventure with data over a quarter of a century ago. Connected with Krakow in Poland - always and rather forever. Born with the option of analyzing data and topographical space. Thanks to his extensive knowledge and experience, he helps to save hundreds of hours needed to successfully implement the planned project within the given time and budget. He loves demanding implementations, if there is such a need, he trains and broadens horizons - his own and clients', obtaining their satisfaction and contentment. By the way, he enjoys observing and disseminating IT knowledge. Actually he is Microsoft Certified Trainer and leader of Cracow Power BI & Fabric User Group (#KRPBIFUG). He helps attendees take the first step to becoming a speaker, shares his experience during few user group meetings and sometimes conferences (SQLDay or Global Power BI and Fabric Summit). Seasonally, in his free time, he rides a bike and skis, and throughout the year he plays football and raises three of his children.